Evaluation Standards

About Reviews

​ACE Learning Evaluations and Military Evaluations facilitate curriculum reviews for a variety of providers and experiences. These reviews are conducted by faculty evaluators who are chosen to participate based on their subject matter-expertise.

​​​​​ACE faculty evaluators are qualified experts in their field with at least 5 years of post-secondary teaching experience in their relevant subject area, many hold current professional certifications, and all are actively engaged their industry. 

Faculty evaluators draw upon their experience as instructors at accredited colleges and universities to determine the equivalent scope, depth, and breadth of learning and equivalent alignment between the program under review and expectations of post-secondary level work.  Evaluators apply Bloom’s taxonomy, particularly to evaluate the rigor of graded assessments, in order to ensure that the level and sophistication of learning described in course learning outcomes is sufficiently demonstrated by learners.

ACE credit recommendations include subject area(s) as well as academic level and semester hour equivalency. The subject area of the credit recommendation is determined, primarily, on the content covered in the course materials.  The educational level recommended is, primarily, determined by the learning outcomes and graded assessments. The recommended number of semester hours reflects the depth and breadth of content coverage in the course, exam, or occupation.

When courses are evaluated for workplace competencies, evaluators determine whether the identified competencies are mastered by students who pass the course.  Only those which are demonstrated by every student completing the course will be represented in the recommendation. Optional competencies are not included in our recommendation.

For more information about specific experiences evaluated by ACE, explore the credit recommendations catalogued in the National and Military Guides.

For more information on the requirements that military and other training providers must meet before qualifying for a review, explore the links below: