Science and Technology

The Issue

American Council on Education (ACE) member institutions partner with the federal government and federal research agencies to address national challenges and create cutting-edge innovations that drive the U.S. economy and improve lives around the world. They also engage in global partnerships with international institutions and organizations to share ideas and research across borders.

Each year, ACE member institutions receive billions of dollars in federal research funding from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Department of Energy. ACE staff collaborate with Congress and the presidential administration to ensure this funding stream remains a priority. They also advocate for regulations that oversee the partnerships between the science agencies and universities.

Our Work
Letter to House Leadership on China Legislation
September 9, 2024
Letter to House Leadership on China Legislation
On behalf of five other higher education associations, ACE wrote to House leadership with comments on several bills under consideration that concern China and could impact U.S. colleges and universities.
Comments on Cyber Incident Reporting Rule for the Critical Infrastructure Act
July 3, 2024
Comments on Cyber Incident Reporting Rule for the Critical Infrastructure Act
Comments to the Department of Homeland's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency regarding the proposed rule for cyber incident reporting under the Critical Infrastructure Act. The comments focus on the inclusion and sudden designation of the ...
Letter to the Rules Committee on the National Defense Authorization Act
June 7, 2024
Letter to the Rules Committee on the National Defense Authorization Act
Along with 22 other higher education associations, ACE sent this letter to the House Rules Committee urging lawmakers to oppose efforts to add the Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act and the DETERRENT Act to the National Defense Authorization Act.
Letter to the FBI on the Restructuring of the Office of Private Sector
May 15, 2024
Letter to the FBI on the Restructuring of the Office of Private Sector
Along with three other higher education organizations, ACE wrote to the Federal Bureau of Investigation with concerns about how the new structure for its Office of Private Sector affects the Academic Liaison program.
Comments on the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Program
February 26, 2024
Comments on the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Program
Along with four other higher education associations, ACE sent comments to the Department of Defense a proposed rule to make contracts adhere to a series of cybersecurity standards.
Comments on the Department of Labor's Plan to Expand Foreign Worker Certification to STEM Jobs
February 20, 2024
Comments on the Department of Labor's Plan to Expand Foreign Worker Certification to STEM Jobs
On behalf of 18 other higher education organizations, ACE sent comments to DOL in support of expanding the labor certification for permanent employment of foreign workers to include STEM occupations.
Letter to NIST on Bayh-Dole Framework
February 1, 2024
Letter to NIST on Bayh-Dole Framework
Along with five other higher education organizations, ACE wrote to the National Institute for Standards and Technology opposing a proposed framework that would modify procedures for federally funded research.
Comments on the FCC's 2023 Net Neutrality Proposal
December 14, 2023
Comments on the FCC's 2023 Net Neutrality Proposal
Comments to the Federal Communications Commission in support of its proposal to restore open internet rules—known as "net neutrality"—that were repealed during the Trump administration.
Comments to OMB on Draft AI Memo
December 5, 2023
Comments to OMB on Draft AI Memo
Comments to the Office of Management and Budget on a draft memorandum on use of artificial intelligence.
Letter to the House Opposing the DETERRENT Act
December 4, 2023
Letter to the House Opposing the DETERRENT Act
On behalf of 17 other higher education associations, ACE wrote to the leaders of the House with concerns about recently proposed legislation that would amend institutions' foreign gift and contract reporting requirements.
Summary: The DETERRENT Act
November 9, 2023
Summary: The DETERRENT Act
Section 117 of the Higher Education Act requires institutions to submit disclosure reports containing information about gifts and/or contracts of at least $250,000 received from or entered into with any foreign source. The DETERRENT Act would amend Sec...
Letter to the House of Representatves on the DETERRENT Act
November 6, 2023
Letter to the House of Representatves on the DETERRENT Act
ACE, on behalf of 16 other higher education associations, wrote to the House Committee on Education & the Workforce with comments regarding recently introduced legislation on foreign gift and contract reporting requirements for institutions.
Letter to Congress on the FY 2024 NDAA
September 21, 2023
Letter to Congress on the FY 2024 NDAA
On behalf of 20 higher education organizations, ACE cautioned Armed Services Committee leaders against including two problematic sections from the House's FY 2024 National Defense Authorization Act in the final legislation, as they could harm researchers.
Letter to Senate HELP Committee on Artificial Intelligence
September 20, 2023
Letter to Senate HELP Committee on Artificial Intelligence
In response to a new white paper from the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on Congress's role in responding to AI, ACE wrote to the committer leadership urging Congress to support the use of AI in higher education while protecting...
Comments on the NSF'S Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide
June 12, 2023
Comments on the NSF'S Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide
ACE and 13 other associations submitted comments on NSF's proposed implementation of foreign gifts and contracts disclosure under the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022. The law equires higher education institutions receiving NSF funding to annually disclos...
Letter on Conference Consideration of COMPETES Act and USICA
March 22, 2022
Letter on Conference Consideration of COMPETES Act and USICA
Letter to House and Senate leaders outlining concerns with the America Creating Opportunities for Manufacturing, Pre-Eminence in Technology, and Economic Strength Act of 2022 and the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act as the two bills go to conference.
Facts in Hand: Keeping the United States Competitive
March 14, 2022
Facts in Hand: Keeping the United States Competitive
U.S. colleges and universities play a vital role in expanding our nation’s STEM capacity and building a strong STEM workforce. Partnerships between the federal government and postsecondary institutions are crucial in this work.
Summary: Higher Education Provisions in House Bill 4521, The America COMPETES Act of 2022
January 27, 2022
Summary: Higher Education Provisions in House Bill 4521, The America COMPETES Act of 2022
H.R. 4521 would authorize increased funding for the National Science Foundation and other research priorities, strengthen STEM education programs, and boost American economic competitiveness and enhance research security.
The Education Blockchain Initiative Final Report
December 9, 2021
The Education Blockchain Initiative Final Report
This report summarizes the U.S. Department of Education-funded and ACE-managed Education Blockchain Initiative, the key results of the Blockchain Innovation Challenge, and the lessons learned and best practices identified by the selected four pilots.
Comments on the National Security Presidential Memorandum-33
September 30, 2021
Comments on the National Security Presidential Memorandum-33
Comments from ACE and four other associations to the Office of Science and Technology Policy on the implementation of the Presidential Memorandum on United States Government Support Research and Development National Security Policy.
Letter to Congressional Committees on Provisions of Concern in Research Innovation and Security Bills
September 7, 2021
Letter to Congressional Committees on Provisions of Concern in Research Innovation and Security Bills
The letter outlines serious concerns regarding provisions in multiple bills that would have long-term, detrimental impacts on the ability of colleges and universities to compete and work with international partners to address issues of global importance.
Latest News
Generating the Future: Exploring AI in Higher Education
May 2, 2024
Generating the Future: Exploring AI in Higher Education
The hosts are joined by Lev Gonick and Derrick Anderson to discuss the benefits and challenges of generative AI in higher education, covering topics like personalized learning, research, ethics, and regulation.
University of Pittsburgh Harnesses AI to Upgrade Infrastructure
January 16, 2024
University of Pittsburgh Harnesses AI to Upgrade Infrastructure
The University of Pittsburgh (Pitt), an ACE member, is using artificial intelligence (AI) to reimagine infrastructure design in a pair of innovative projects.
ACE, Higher Education Associations Advocate for Restoring Open Internet Rules
December 18, 2023
ACE, Higher Education Associations Advocate for Restoring Open Internet Rules
​ACE and 17 other associations sent a letter Dec. 14 supporting a Federal Communications Commission proposal to restore open Internet rules.
Florida Atlantic University Establishes School Devoted to Environmental Sustainability
December 14, 2023
Florida Atlantic University Establishes School Devoted to Environmental Sustainability
Florida Atlantic University's new School of Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability addresses escalating climate challenges by studying the interaction between the environment and populated areas around its six campuses.
ACE, Higher Ed Groups Oppose the DETERRENT Act
December 4, 2023
ACE, Higher Ed Groups Oppose the DETERRENT Act
​ACE and 17 other organizations sent a letter Monday to House leadership opposing the Defending Education Transparency and Ending Rogue Regimes Engaging in Nefarious Transactions (DETERRENT) Act, which the House is scheduled to vote on this week.
dotEDU Live: The Pre-Thanksgiving Policy Roundup
November 16, 2023
dotEDU Live: The Pre-Thanksgiving Policy Roundup
Hosts Jon Fansmith and Sarah Spreitzer are joined by their ACE colleague Steven Bloom to discuss how the never-ending threats of a government shutdown are impacting funding legislation for higher education.
House Committee Approves Foreign Influence Bill
November 13, 2023
House Committee Approves Foreign Influence Bill
The House Committee on Education and the Workforce last week voted to approve the DETERRENT Act, a bill to amend Section 117 of the Higher Education Act and create massive new reporting requirements regarding foreign funding to colleges and universities.
ACE Comments on How Campuses Are Using AI and the Role of Government Oversight
September 22, 2023
ACE Comments on How Campuses Are Using AI and the Role of Government Oversight
Sen. Bill Cassidy, the ranking member of the Senate HELP Committee, has issued a white paper about the oversight and legislative role of Congress related to the deployment of AI in areas under the HELP Committee’s jurisdiction, including higher ed.
The Year in Higher Education Policy
December 21, 2022
The Year in Higher Education Policy
Hosts Jon Fansmith and Sarah Spreitzer are joined by ACE Senior Vice President Terry Hartle to discuss the federal policy developments in 2022 that impacted students and higher education institutions.
Iowa State University Launches Cutting-edge Climate Science Major
November 28, 2022
Iowa State University Launches Cutting-edge Climate Science Major
Starting this semester, students at ACE member Iowa State University can major in climate science, a degree just a sprinkling of colleges across the country offer.
Making the Case for Sustainability in Higher Ed
November 10, 2022
Making the Case for Sustainability in Higher Ed
Heidi VanGenderen, chief sustainability officer at the University of Colorado Boulder, talks about why higher education is perfectly poised to take on the climate crisis, despite the political divides.
President Signs CHIPS and Science Act, Investing Billions in Research
August 10, 2022
President Signs CHIPS and Science Act, Investing Billions in Research
President Biden yesterday signed into law the CHIPS and Science Act, a $280 billion bipartisan bill to boost domestic high-tech manufacturing and increase funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF) and other research agencies.
Midterm Elections Loom Over Higher Ed
June 16, 2022
Midterm Elections Loom Over Higher Ed
How will issues like student loan forgiveness, immigration, and on the state level—academic freedom and critical race theory play out as November approaches?
Congress Springs Forward and Passes Spending Bill; New Regulations Coming
March 25, 2022
Congress Springs Forward and Passes Spending Bill; New Regulations Coming
ACE Senior Vice President Terry Hartle joins host Sarah Spreitzer to discuss Congress’s last-minute push to pass the FY 2022 omnibus spending package and what it means for higher education ED's final negotiated rulemaking session.
Title IX, DACA, Gainful Employment: New Rules Coming for Higher Ed
February 24, 2022
Title IX, DACA, Gainful Employment: New Rules Coming for Higher Ed
Host Sarah Spreitzer and ACE Senior Vice President Terry Hartle discuss the myriad regulations waiting to be finalized at the Education Department and other federal agencies.
House Passes America COMPETES Act
February 7, 2022
House Passes America COMPETES Act
The bill authorizes increased funding for the National Science Foundation and other research priorities, and aims to strengthen STEM education programs, boost American economic competitiveness, and enhance research security.
 House Unveils Bill to Boost Economic Competitiveness, Enhance Research Security
January 31, 2022
House Unveils Bill to Boost Economic Competitiveness, Enhance Research Security
The bill would authorize increased funding for the NSF and other research priorities, strengthen STEM education programs, and boost American economic competitiveness and enhance research security.
Higher Ed in 2022: Unfinished Business and Election Year Politics
January 27, 2022
Higher Ed in 2022: Unfinished Business and Election Year Politics
ACE Senior Vice President Terry Hartle joins hosts Jon Fansmith and Sarah Spreitzer of the ACE government relations team to discuss what Congress still needs to finish from 2021.
Pulse Point Survey Explores Politicization of COVID-19 Vaccines’ Impact on Colleges
December 17, 2021
Pulse Point Survey Explores Politicization of COVID-19 Vaccines’ Impact on Colleges
ACE’s latest Pulse Point survey of college and university presidents—the second of this fall term—looked at how political discourse about the pandemic has affected their institution’s ability to implement COVID-19 mitigation measures on campus.
University of Missouri's Broadband Initiative Provides Access, Economic Growth to Rural Communities
July 27, 2021
University of Missouri's Broadband Initiative Provides Access, Economic Growth to Rural Communities
The University of Missouri System started its Broadband Initiative in late 2019, led by MU System researchers from across its four campuses and the MU Extension, to better serve its local communities.
ACE, Higher Ed Groups Urge Federal Support for Broadband for Students and Campuses
July 12, 2021
ACE, Higher Ed Groups Urge Federal Support for Broadband for Students and Campuses
ACE and 21 other higher education associations are urging congressional leaders to include dedicated investments in broadband technology for college students and institutions in any infrastructure package they might consider.

Making the Case for Sustainability in Higher Ed

​Learn more about how campuses are leading the way on researching and implementing solutions to climate change on ACE’s November 10, 2022 dotEDU podcast.
