HEADLINES: Top Higher Education News for the Week

September 16, 2024

The Department of Education said it will now give colleges and universities until Jan. 15 to report data for new gainful employment regulations... Inside Higher Ed looks at a new study that explores the skills crucial to a successful college presidency.

Education Department Delays Gainful Reporting Requirements Again
Inside Higher Ed | Sept. 16, 2024

Study: The 7 Competencies Presidents Need
Inside Higher Ed | Sept. 16, 2024

September 13, 2024

Inside Higher Ed looks at a memo ACE sent the presidential campaigns outlining policy priorities for higher education... The New York Times explores how the end of race-conscious admissions has affected demographics at some institutions more dramatically than at others... Some public colleges in Virginia are struggling to find a way to comply with a state law requiring them to make reparations to descendants of enslaved people, The Chronicle of Higher Education writes.

What College Leaders Want From Harris and Trump
Inside Higher Ed | Sept. 13, 2024

Affirmative Action Was Banned. What Happened Next Was Confusing.
The New York Times (sub. req.) | Sept. 13, 2024

Virginia Wants to Give Scholarships to Descendants of Slaves. It’s Harder Than It Looks.
The Chronicle of Higher Education (sub. req.) | Sept. 12, 2024

September 12, 2024

The House Education and Workforce Committee approved the Stop Campus Hazing Act Wednesday, setting it up for a floor vote... New survey data show mental health problems trending down among college students for the first time in 15 years, The Chronicle of Higher Education reports... The Washington Post considers institutions’ new policies around protesting and speech for this fall.

Federal Anti-Hazing Bill Moves One Step Closer to Becoming Law
Inside Higher Ed | Sept. 12, 2024

Fewer College Students Reported Mental-Health Challenges for the First Time in Years
The Chronicle of Higher Education (sub. req.) | Sept. 11, 2024

Limits on Masks, Tents and Noise: Some Campuses Tighten Protest Rules
The Washington Post (sub. req.) | Sept. 12, 2024

September 11, 2024

House Republicans proposed legislation that would increase scrutiny of educational partnerships with Chinese institutions... Daniel Greenstein, chancellor of Pennsylvania's state higher education system, will step down next month to work on higher education issues at an accounting and advisory firm... Senators from both parties asked the Department of Education to extend the deadline for institutions to report gainful employment data, Inside Higher Ed reports.

Republicans Seek to Revive China Initiative
Inside Higher Ed | Sept. 11, 2024

Chancellor of Pa. State University System Headed to International Accounting and Advisory Firm
The Philadelphia Inquirer (sub. req.) | Sept. 10, 2024

Senators Urge Education Department to Extend Gainful Reporting Deadline
Inside Higher Ed | Sept. 11, 2024

September 10, 2024

A Boston Globe op-ed advocates for more initiatives to improve community college transfer rates... A new report shows that the number of students who use rankings to choose a college is on the decline... An op-ed in the Lexington Herald Leader highlights efforts by institutions in Kentucky to serve non-traditional students.

OPINION: Community College Can Be a Steppingstone to Four-Year Schools. But for Too Many, It’s Not.
The Boston Globe (sub. req.) | Sept. 10, 2024

New Report Shows College Rankings Are Losing Influence
Inside Higher Ed | Sept. 10, 2024

OPINION: Kentucky Is Working Hard to Educate Non-traditional Students in Higher Ed
Lexington Herald Leader | Sept. 9, 2024

ACE Op-Eds

Letters to the Editor