
Course Summary
Credit Type:
Organization's ID:
9 weeks (144 hours).
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Lower-Division Baccalaureate 3 Principles of Management


This course introduces the major functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) and the significance of balancing activities relating to people, money, material, and processes in the efficient management of an organization. Students will analyze topics like communication, ethics, diversity, social responsibility, and conflict resolution. We will also explore how companies use management concepts to address the opportunities and challenges that managers face to create an efficient, organized, and competitive business.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify the relationship between managing ethically and following the law.
  • Compare, contrast, and categorize organizational structures and mechanisms for coordination and design of a structure.
  • Recognize and apply why cultures differ and why and how managers should and can be sensitive to other political and social systems around the world.
  • Identify the role that managers play in activities of strategic human resource management.
  • Recognize and interpret the steps that managers can take to effectively manage diversity.
  • Identify ways that organizations can motivate employees and groups.
  • Interpret ways to build effective teams and resolve conflict in given scenarios.
  • Distinguish the importance of information technology in the promotion of effective communication.
  • Recall and identify the roles and functions of management within an organization.

General Topics:

  • What is Management? (Managerial tasks, Principles of Administration, Job specialization, Division of Labor)
  • Values, Ethics, and Social Responsibility (Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Culture, Professional Ethics)
  • Diversity and Global Management (Diversity, Biases, Sexual Harassment)
  • Planning and Decision Making (Entrepreneurship, SWOT Analysis, Planning and Strategy, Competitive Advantage)
  • Organizational Architecture, Control, and Change (Organizational Structure, Organizational Culture, Organizational Control, Behavior Controls)
  • Human Resource Management (Labor Relations, Performance Appraisals, Pay and Benefits, Social Learning Theory)
  • Leading Effective Groups and Teams (Servant Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Cohesiveness)
  • Communication, Conflict, and Information Systems (Verbal and Nonverbal Communication, Integrative Bargaining, Collaboration, Artificial Intelligence)
Instruction & Assessment

Instructional Strategies:

  • Audio Visual Materials
  • Case Studies
  • Discussion
  • Lectures
  • Practical Exercises

Methods of Assessment:

  • Examinations
  • Quizzes

Minimum Passing Score:

Supplemental Materials

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