
Course Summary
Credit Type:
Organization's ID:
Approved High Schools throughout the U.S.
13 hours
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Lower-Division Baccalaureate 3 General Physics I
A cut score of 4 was determined by ACE for this specific recommendation. Institutions may provide additional credit if a learner receives a higher cut score or based on their own internal frameworks for accepting transfer credits.


Physics is the most fundamental of the experimental sciences, as it seeks to explain the universe itself, from the very smallest particles to the vast distances between galaxies. Despite the exciting and extraordinary development of ideas throughout the history of physics, observations remain essential to the very core of the subject. Models are developed to try to understand observations, and these themselves can become theories that attempt to explain the observations. Besides helping us better understand the natural world, physics gives us the ability to alter our environments. This raises the issue of the impact of physics on society, the moral and ethical dilemmas, and the social, economic and environmental implications of the work of physicists. Students will be able to demonstrate manipulative skills, design investigations, collect data, analyze results and evaluate and communicate their findings.

This exam includes a required lab component.

Skills Measured:

• appreciate scientific study and creativity within a global context through stimulating and challenging opportunities
• demonstrate a body of knowledge, methods and techniques that characterize science and technology
• apply and use a body of knowledge, methods and techniques that characterize science and technology
• demonstrate an ability to analyse, evaluate and synthesize scientific information
• demonstrate a critical awareness of the need for, and the value of, effective collaboration and communication during scientific activities
• demonstrate experimental and investigative scientific skills including the use of current technologies
• demonstrate and apply 21st century communication skills in the study of science
• demonstrate critical awareness, as global citizens, of the ethical implications of using science and technology
• demonstrate an appreciation of the possibilities and limitations of science and technology
• demonstrate an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and their influence on other areas of knowledge.
Instruction & Assessment
Supplemental Materials

Other offerings from International Baccalaureate Diploma Program
