
Course Summary
Credit Type:
35 hours and 10 hours pre-course assignments (1 week)
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Lower-Division Baccalaureate 2 Business Administration


To provide learners with the management skills and tools that will contribute to their ability to manage an AFAP program and achieve accreditation.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe Army structure and relate MWR programs to Army mission, readiness and retention
  • Explain pertinent regulations and procedures governing human resource management, financial management, marketing and corporate sponsorship
  • Explain the history, purpose, stakeholders, reporting hierarchy, and roles and responsibilities for AFAP program
  • Manage current and active issues
  • Identify and evaluate partnerships, formulate negotiation strategies and apply effective communication techniques to influence support of the AFAP program
  • Apply knowledge of benchmarks and standards, outcome measures, program assessments, and reporting and management tools for AFAP continuous improvement
  • Generate and evaluate methods for identifying issues, categorize them, and apply a cyclical method of managing them
  • Plan a AFAP conference and demonstrate best practices for implementing a workgroup's recommendations
  • Interpret program management requirements to evaluate an AFAP program
  • Recognize elements of team dynamics and demonstrate strategies for promoting them
  • And prepare and present a briefing. Version 3: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to examine and apply policy, laws and regulations that impact AFAP operations and develop effective program delivery plans that are within the legal and regulatory framework
  • Apply planning and resource management concepts and procedures to build a business case for funding and resources to meet program requirements
  • Assess personal and team styles and apply knowledge of team development to formulate strategies for building strong teams, self development, and managing the AFAP program
Instruction & Assessment

Instructional Strategies:

  • Discussion
  • Learner Presentations
  • Lectures
  • Practical Exercises
  • Work-based Learning
Supplemental Materials