
Course Summary
Credit Type:
Organization's ID:
40 weeks (248 hours)
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Lower-Division Baccalaureate 4 Procurement Management
Upper-Division Baccalaureate 12 Procurement Management
Graduate 12 Procurement Management


The program objective is to accelerate the path to proficiency for new contract specialists with the Career Gateway: Acquisition program. Gateway Acquisition is DAU certified equivalent to CON 1100, 1200, 1300 and 1400 so participants meet all their FAC-C and DAWIA Contracting certification training requirements. Students in each cohort will learn the technical skills necessary to support an acquisition, such as contract formation, management principles, and regulatory fundamentals, along with the essential skills they’ll need to succeed in the modern acquisition landscape, like business acumen, critical thinking, decision-making, ethics, financial management, problem-solving, team building, communication, and collaboration. Through the use of experiential learning and a threaded storyline, cohort students will support the establishment of a settlement on Mars to mirror the challenges they’ll face in their roles. Students will be able to hone their skills in a safe learning environment, collaborate with other members of the cohort to solve problems, and sharpen their abilities to be key strategic business advisors for their agencies and organizations. Learners can expect to spend up to 10 hours per week on program activities and classes.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Phase 1 Contract Foundations: • Apply foundational knowledge about the Federal Acquisition System and team optimization strategies to develop creative solutions to challenges and successfully meet mission requirements • Identify acquisition lifecycle principles and strategies to effectively solve problems and manage risk • Recognize the role of a contract specialist, and the scope of their authority, in supporting an acquisition based on a valid contract • Articulate the value of informed contracting in making acquisition planning decisions • Apply communication best practices and ethical decision-making to effectively perform the contract specialist role throughout an acquisition • Apply familiarity with acquisition legal statutes and regulations, and good judgement, to determine how to appropriately comply while meeting the need/requirement • Apply communications, leadership, problem-solving, risk analysis, and critical thinking skills throughout an acquisition • Apply business acumen, leadership best practices, problem-solving skills, and good business judgement to devise creative solutions
  • Phase 4 Contract Postaward: • Plan for contract administration • Describe the consent to subcontract requirements • Monitor contractor performance and resolve problems • Identify the elements of a valid claim • Modify contracts and exercise options • Given a contractor offer, negotiate a fair and reasonable price • Given a contract, appropriately apply the contract closeout process
  • Phase 2 Contract Preaward: • Articulate the interplay between acquisition team members and the contract specialist during preaward • Articulate why accurately identifying and describing the need and requirements is essential to a successful acquisition • Describe how integrating needs assessment and requirements analysis play a role in developing an effective acquisition plan • Articulate how to effectively conduct market research and interpret findings • Recommend contracting strategy decisions that are informed by requirements analysis and market research • Recommend source selection strategy decisions that align with what you know about the requirements and contracting strategy • Select the appropriate solicitation format and accurately populate it to reflect what you know about the contracting strategy • Explain the relationship between the government and contractor in the context of acquisition
  • Phase 3 Contract Award: • Explain how the offer evaluation process differs based on acquisition strategies • Describe the process for receiving offers and preparing for reviews • Recognize information security requirements associated with receiving offers • Evaluate cost/price proposals • Explain the process for evaluating noncost/nonprice proposals, past performance, and cost/price proposals • Establish an appropriate competitive range and conduct discussions • Recommend a source selection award decision to the source selection authority

General Topics:

  • Phase 1 Contract Foundations: Acquisition Basics and Guiding Principles, Regulatory Guidance and the FAR, Being Strategic Business Advisors
  • Phase 2 Contract Preaward: Beginning Preaward, Needs and Requirements, Market Research, Contracting and Source Selection Strategy, Requesting Offers, The Contractor's Perspective
  • Phase 3 Contract Award: The Source Selection Evaluation Process, Offer Price/Cost and Non-Price/Cost Evaluation, Plan Discussions, Selection and Award
  • Phase 4 Contract Postaward: Preparing for Contract Administration, Contract Monitoring and Administration, Contract Modifications and Performance Issues, Contract Closeout
Instruction & Assessment

Instructional Strategies:

  • Audio Visual Materials
  • Case Studies
  • Classroom Exercise
  • Coaching/Mentoring
  • Discussion
  • Learner Presentations
  • Lectures
  • Practical Exercises
  • Work-based Learning
  • Performance Rubrics (Checklists)

Methods of Assessment:

  • Other
  • Performance Rubrics (Checklists)
  • Quizzes
  • Graded Engagement, Practice Activities, and Mission Challenges

Minimum Passing Score:

Supplemental Materials