Meet the President

About Ted Mitchell
A picture of Ted Mitchell, president of ACE

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Specialization: Access to high-quality outcomes for all students

Ted Mitchell has served as president of the American Council on Education (ACE), the major coordinating body for the nation’s colleges and universities, since September 2017. Mitchell and his team work closely with Congress, the executive branch, and the private sector to develop policies and innovative practices that serve our country’s postsecondary learners.

Mitchell’s leadership of ACE and the entire higher education community is informed by a career committed to increasing access to high-quality education and improving outcomes for all students. Mitchell served in the Obama administration as U.S. under secretary of education from 2014 to 2017 and was responsible for all postsecondary education policies, such as initiatives focused on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, minority serving institutions, and federal student aid. Mitchell and his team at the Department of Education (ED) reinstated Pell Grants for incarcerated adults, created the College Scorecard, and restored millions of dollars to students who were defrauded by their institutions. Before joining ED, Mitchell served in a variety of higher education leadership roles, including as president of Occidental College (1999–2005); vice chancellor and dean at the University of California, Los Angeles; professor and department chair at Dartmouth College; and a member of the Stanford University Board of Trustees.

Mitchell has also been a leader in K–12 education. He served as chief executive officer of the NewSchools Venture Fund—a venture philanthropy that invests in K–12 innovation to support low-income students, schools, and communities—and as president of the California State Board of Education. Throughout his career, Mitchell has worked to create an educational system that serves the goals of excellence, equity, and social justice.

Mitchell is a current board member of Coursera, Khan Academy, Occidental College, TIAA, Education Quality Outcomes Standards Board, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, and Credential Engine.

Mitchell received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees, as well as his PhD, from Stanford University, where he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa.

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Ted Mitchell

Jessie Brown
Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff

Mary Swarna
Special Assistant to the President​ and Board Secretary

Lauren Jeffress
Administrative and Scheduling Specialist

Georgi Munick
Administrative Assistant

ACE's Statements

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March 29, 2023
As leading higher education organizations, we support the efforts of our colleges and universities to provide a high-quality educational experience to all who attend.
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Joint Statement by ACE and the American College Health Association on Safeguarding Student Health and Well-being
March 29, 2023
Joint Statement by ACE and the American College Health Association on Safeguarding Student Health and Well-being
December 8, 2022
We applaud Congress for acting in a bipartisan manner to safeguard the ability of all Americans to marry the person of their choice.
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Final Passage of Respect for Marriage Act and Need to Accomplish More in Lame-duck Session
December 8, 2022
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Final Passage of Respect for Marriage Act and Need to Accomplish More in Lame-duck Session
October 13, 2022
President Stanley is a distinguished and accomplished higher education leader who had only just begun to leave his mark on Michigan State University.
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the Resignation of Michigan State University President Samuel L. Stanley Jr.
October 13, 2022
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the Resignation of Michigan State University President Samuel L. Stanley Jr.
October 12, 2022
Joint statement from ACE and 21 other organizations in response to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's report on institutions' transcript withholding practices.
Joint Statement by Higher Education Associations on Importance of Clear, Fair Transcript Withholding Policies
October 12, 2022
Joint Statement by Higher Education Associations on Importance of Clear, Fair Transcript Withholding Policies
August 1, 2022
The outcome of these cases will have a profound and direct impact on our nation’s colleges and universities, their students, and, ultimately, this country’s global competitiveness.
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Importance of Supreme Court Continuing to Recognize the Legality and Value of Race-Conscious Admissions Policies
August 1, 2022
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Importance of Supreme Court Continuing to Recognize the Legality and Value of Race-Conscious Admissions Policies
September 8, 2021
The legislation is a major step toward providing greater access to an affordable, high-quality college education for millions of low- and middle-income students.
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on House Committee on Education and Labor Reconciliation Legislation
September 8, 2021
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on House Committee on Education and Labor Reconciliation Legislation
February 3, 2021
ACE looks forward to working with Dr. Cardona and his team at the Department of Education on the many important issues facing students, families, and colleges and universities.
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the Senate Confirmation Hearing of Secretary of Education-designate Miguel A. Cardona
February 3, 2021
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the Senate Confirmation Hearing of Secretary of Education-designate Miguel A. Cardona
December 23, 2020
We congratulate Dr. Miguel A. Cardona on his nomination to be secretary of education and applaud President-elect Biden’s choice for this vital role.
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the Nomination of Dr. Miguel A. Cardona to be Secretary of Education
December 23, 2020
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the Nomination of Dr. Miguel A. Cardona to be Secretary of Education
June 18, 2020
We are extremely gratified that the Supreme Court has kept DACA in place. It's now time for Congress to act.
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on U.S. Supreme Court DACA Decision
June 18, 2020
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on U.S. Supreme Court DACA Decision
December 19, 2019
Statement released on December 19 supporting the recent fix to the kiddie tax mistake.
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Fixing the "Kiddie Tax" Mistake
December 19, 2019
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Fixing the "Kiddie Tax" Mistake
August 21, 2019
This announcement means that nearly 40,000 disabled veterans—including 25,000 already in default on their loans—will get the benefits that were promised.
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the Administration’s Plan to Forgive Student Loans for Disabled Veterans
August 21, 2019
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the Administration’s Plan to Forgive Student Loans for Disabled Veterans
March 12, 2019
The allegations, if true, violate the essential premise of a fair and transparent college admissions process.
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Reports of College Admissions Cheating
March 12, 2019
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Reports of College Admissions Cheating
December 4, 2018
Central European University is being forced to relocate from Budapest, Hungary, to Vienna, Austria.
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Central European University
December 4, 2018
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Central European University
May 30, 2018
We stand ready to work with federal officials to address security concerns regarding Chinese or any international students.
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Reports of Chinese Student Visa Restrictions
May 30, 2018
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Reports of Chinese Student Visa Restrictions
April 20, 2018
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the Commission on College Basketball Recommendations
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the Commission on College Basketball Recommendations
April 20, 2018
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the Commission on College Basketball Recommendations
February 15, 2018
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the Senate’s Failure to Pass Legislation Protecting Dreamers
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the Senate’s Failure to Pass Legislation Protecting Dreamers
February 15, 2018
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the Senate’s Failure to Pass Legislation Protecting Dreamers
January 22, 2018
We are pleased that Congress apparently has agreed to reopen the federal government.
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Ending the Federal Shutdown, Commitment to Address Dreamers
January 22, 2018
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Ending the Federal Shutdown, Commitment to Address Dreamers
December 2, 2017
The Senate tax bill represents a significant improvement over the measure passed by the House.
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Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Passage of Senate Tax Bill
December 2, 2017
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on Passage of Senate Tax Bill
December 1, 2017
Statement by ACE President Ted Mitchell on the House Republican Higher Education Act Reauthorization Bill
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 Statement by Ted Mitchell on the House Republican HEA Reauthorization Bill
December 1, 2017
Statement by Ted Mitchell on the House Republican HEA Reauthorization Bill